Hello! I'm not sure how you found it or what brought you here, but welcome to my first ever attempt at a weblog. It might be a bit awkward in the beginning, but with time I'll try to make it super awesome!
Most of my life revolves around music. I teach clarinet and saxophone and play at nearly every opportunity I can. Because music is something I know a lot about, and spend a lot of time thinking about, I decided to write about it. I want to show that all kinds of music is interesting in some way. Opera, and old, folk music. And musical theatre, jazz, orchestra, and pop music. I find instruments and music theory fascinating too, so that stuff will sneak in from time to time. Basically, nothing in the music world is off limits. I hope you find these things as interesting as I do!
If you don't like it, don't read it. But if you do like it, hope to see you come back!