Monday, June 13, 2011

Don't feed the trolls

A couple of days ago I read an article about Katy Perry's performance at a concert to her Hot N Cold.  She performed the song while doing one of those quick change wardrobe changes that you see magician's do.  You know, where the woman is wearing one dress, then after being pelted with glitter or walking behind a screen or sheet, she pops out again wearing a different dress.  Quick. Change. Quick change. Get it?

Anyway, what got me thinking was this: I read some of the comments to the article (I know, bad idea, but I can't help myself), and there were some really bizarre (and hateful) things said that had nothing to do with the music.  One comment mentioned that Axl Rose did something similar, another claimed that he goes to concerts to hear the performer sing, not do magic tricks.  And so on.  Your typical "internet-anonymity-means-I-can-say-whatever-moronic-thing-pops-into-my-brain-because-no-one-will-know-who-I-am" routine.  I'm thinking: 1) Who cares if another performer did the same thing once? 2) Why bother to read the article if you dislike or are uninterested in the subject matter? and 3) Do you really go to a concert just to hear someone sing? 

With regards to the third point:  I doubt it.  We go to concerts to see something interesting.  At least I do.  If the performer plays or sings their work exactly like their recording, well, I can just listen to that on my CD player.  While I enjoy being able to sing along word-for-word with the band, at some point I like to be surprised.  To see or hear something really different.  It's exciting to see a band that you really dig stretch their musical wings.  Even more exciting when they manage to pull it off!

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