Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's fun to stay at the

Y M C A!!

I have started my new day job at the local YMCA.  A little over a week into my new schedule, and so far have had only one mild freak out session (lots of change is scary, unless it's the kind of change you find at the bottom of your bag, and then you're all like "Hey I can do laundry now!").

I'm working in the aquatics department, which gives me lots of time to stand at the side of the pool watching gym members swim back and forth, back and forth, back and forth....which gives me some time to think about my favourite topics: music, science, and the Titanic vs. Iceberg screenplay I am writing (it's going to be a hit!).

In honor of this new mode of accumulating enough money to pay my rent, I thought I'd look into that ubiquitous song about the YMCA.  You know it, you've sang it, you've even probably done the accompanying dance moves; it's that Village People hit: Y.M.C.A

The tune was released in 1978, and from a quick glance at the lyrics, the song is about all the great things that the Young Men's Christian Association has to offer.  The author, Victor Willis, insists that though there are numerous double entendre in the song, it was not intended as a gay anthem.  In 1979, the YMCA actually sued the Village People for copyright infringement (and concern over marring their reputation).  The suit was dropped, though, after an increase in membership (behold the power of a catchy hook).

Now, get some exercise and spell out the letters with your arms like I know you've done before. 

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